2025 Budget Information
Below are scheduled budget presentations, which include agendas, presentations documents, and links to watch the meetings live on Polk County Iowa's YouTube channel or watch past recordings. Budget presentations may be subject to change. In addition to individual budget presentations, there will be an overall public forum scheduled after the conclusion of all department presentations but prior to any formal action by the Board of Supervisors. This is an additional opportunity for the public to provide input in Polk County's budgeting process. The public forum will be scheduled in February and details have not been finalized.
For Historical Budget information, click here.
Tuesday, January 14
Wednesday, January 15
Tuesday, January 21
- Conservation
- Public Works
Wednesday, January 22
Tuesday, January 28
Wednesday, January 29
- Community, Family, and Youth Services (CFYS)
- General Services
Tuesday, February 4
Tuesday, February 11
The Board of Supervisors will have a discussion on the overall FY 25/26 budget requests after hearing from all offices departments.
Thursday, February 20
The Board of Supervisors will hold an evening public forum at the conclusion of all department budget presentations but prior to any formal board actions. This is designed to provide the public with an additional opportunity to share their feedback and raise any questions they have about spending priorities. The budget public forum is scheduled for Thursday, February 20 at 6pm in the Board Room 120 at the Polk County Administration Building (111 Court Ave, Des Moines). Residents may participate and offer input in person or watch the livestream.
WHEN: Thursday, February 20 at 6pm
WHERE: Polk County Administration Building 111 Court Ave Room 120 Des Moines, IA 50309