Fourmile Mountain Bike Park

Fourmile Mountain Bike Park
1601 Williams St.
Des Moines, IA 50317
The Fourmile Mountain Bike Park sits upon 50+ acres within the highly urbanized area of east Des Moines and Pleasant Hill, along the Gay Lea Wilson Trail. It features a network of soft surface trails that are ideal for mountain biking, hiking, trail running, and groomed trails for winter fat biking.
The includes nearly four miles of singletrack flow trails. These flow trails give riders a roller coaster experience, with very little pedaling and braking necessary. At the same time is gives hikers and walkers a more vigorous challenge than typical flat, paved trails.
Summer |6:30 a.m. – 10:30 p.m. | April 1 - October 31
Winter | Sunrise - Sunset | November 1 - March 31
Unless Otherwise Posted
This park melds green infrastructure best management practices with active, community recreation. The overall timber, gentle grades, and proximity to a FEMA food plain offer the perfect crossroads for conservation and recreation. As the land is nurtured in the coming years, you'll see native grasses, forbs, and flowers on the backsides of berms and sides of rollers or jumps. Marvel as invasive forest species are eradicated to make space for native oaks and walnut trees to thrive.
Native Stone Starting Hub
Flow Trails
Earth Berms
Wood Features | Berms/Jumps/Boardwalks
Stream Crossing
GREEN INFRATRUCTURE was implemented across the park. Designs address stormwater runoff from the proposed parking lot in the form of bioswales and a series of rain gardens. The trail system is built to best management practices for sustainable trail design. Moving into 2025, Conservation and county partners at Public Works will be working to restore the creek's bed and banks, slowing siltation.
CONNECTING TRAILS, COMMUNITIES: The trail system is built to best management practices for sustainable trail design. Trails will serve bikers, hikers, and trail runners. After an incredible rides or walk through Fourmile Mountain Bike Park, visitors can continue their recreation journey on the paved walking trail around the adjacent Copper Creek Lake Park or the newly paved trails through Fourmile Creek Greenway. All this is located along the Gay Lea Wilson trail that connects into the Central Iowa Trails System.
- Class 1 E-bikes are allowed
- Onewheelers are allowed
- Do not use trails when they are wet
- No motorized dirt bikes allowed
- Pets must be leashed (6ft max.)
- Clean up after your pet
- Motorized vehicles: designated parking areas and roadways only
- No ATVs or off-road vehicles
- No fireworks allowed
- No discharging of firearms allowed
- Please respect private property adjacent to the park
- All state laws are applicable