
Department Adult and Elder Abuse Unit

In 2002, the Polk County Attorney’s Office became the first in Iowa to create a specialized Dependent Adult and Elder Abuse Unit. 

We prosecute crimes where adults have been abused and financially exploited, as well as assist the Department of Human Services in obtaining protective orders on behalf of abused adults.  These orders can include ordering perpetrators out of a victim’s home, freeze bank accounts so thieves can no longer have access, and order much needed medical services.

You can also file your own petition for relief against elder abuse.  Contact your attorney or the Polk County Clerk of Court in Courtroom 115 or (515) 286-3772 for more information.

Warning signs of dependent adult and elder abuse and neglect:

  • Injuries that cannot be logically explained
  • Not taking medications or there are missing medications
  • Weight loss
  • Being overly passive and/or depressed
  • Being left alone all the time or never being allowed to be alone with anyone except the caretaker
  • Not being allowed to leave the house
  • Never have money but should
  • Their caretaker is acting like a bully

Warning signs of financial exploitation:

  • A friend or family member expresses a new sudden interest in an elder or their finances.
  • The person caring for the elder has no visible means of support.
  • The caregiver is overly interested in finances.
  • The caregiver is overly concerned about the cost of care.
  • Bills are not being paid.
  • An elder is being isolated by their caregiver.
  • An elder cannot explain their own finances. 


If you suspect abuse, report it!

CALL your local law enforcement and DHS toll free (800) 362-2178 (answered 24/7)

TRIAD First established in 1988 in Louisiana with chiefs of polices, sheriffs, and AARP leaders, TRIAD is a national, not-for-profit, volunteer organization whose goal is to work together to educate, and thereby reduce crime against, older adults. TRIAD empowers older adults to be more active in community programs, educational seminars, and stresses the importance of health and safety.  The Polk County Attorney supports our local TRIAD.   Educational meetings are held at the North Senior Center at Park Fair Mall the third Tuesday of every month at 12:30 p.m.  For information about the TRIAD organization, please click here.