
Lunch & Learn - Active Threat Preparedness

Active Threat Preparedness

When: July 26, 2022, 11:30 -12:30      


DEADLINE: By noon the day prior

COST: Free - WELCOME TO BRING YOUR LUNCH!   Water and coffee will be provided

LOCATION DETAILS: Polk County Emergency Operations Center | 1907 Carpenter Ave

CONTACT: emergency.management@polkcountyiowa.gov

Speakers: Dutch Geisinger (Polk County EMA) and Chief Chris Scott (West Des Moines Police Dept)

Active threats can occur anywhere that people gather and come in many different shapes and sizes. Learn the signs of those who may be at risk to commit these offenses and how to mitigate the impact on your organization should an event such as this occur.  

Upcoming Times

This event is not currently scheduled.