
September '24 Lunch & Learn: Family Reunification Heartland AEA

Family Reunification Heartland AEA

Unexpected termination of school days can be stressful. Rearranging plans for child pickup can leave family and staff with their hands full. A well-trained support staff and effective plan become even more important when there has been an emergency and/or evacuation of students. 

Weather related emergencies, power outages, fires, other infrastructure failures, or school violence could all lead to the potential need for parent/guardian - student reunification.

When large scale reunification needs exceed a district's resources, Heartland AEA has the trained staff to respond. Learn more about the plans, methods, and processes employed in such a reunification, and how to activate Heartland AEA during an emergency to work side-by-side with your district's response plans.

When: Tuesday, September 24, 2024 11:30am -12:30pm


DEADLINE: By noon the day prior

COST: Free - Welcome to bring your own lunch (Coffee and water provided)

LOCATION DETAILS: Polk County Emergency Operations Center | 1907 Carpenter Ave

CONTACT: emergency.management@polkcountyiowa.gov

Speakers: Stacey Warren, MSW, LISW Social Emotional, Behavior, Mental Health Regional Lead
Chris Pierson, Ph.D., Heartland AEA Regional Director

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This event is not currently scheduled.

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