
Asthma and Your Health

Published 5/7/2024 6:39:17 AM

Did you know that May 7, 2024, is World Asthma Day? May is also Asthma Awareness Month! Air Quality Awareness Week is a great time to learn what asthma is, how air quality affects people who have asthma, and how to manage environmental asthma triggers to improve quality of life.

Asthma is a long-term disease that inflames and narrows your lungs' airways. Have you ever tried to breathe through a flat straw? It makes breathing harder and can be scary. That's how people who have asthma can feel when they are exposed to pollutants like dirty air, whether it's from ozone, wildfire smoke or other pollution.

How can I get involved?

Polk County Public Works will now be accepting permits online via OpenGov