
Title Transfers

When a Title Transfer is Required

A title transfer is required when there is any change to the information on the front of the title.

A title transfer is required when ownership has changed when the item has been sold or gifted to another individual. The title transfer process applies to:

  • motor vehicles
  • mobile/manufactured homes
  • towable trailers, including homemade, travel and semi-trailers over 2,000 lbs.

A title transfer is also required when:

  • you are moving into Iowa.
  • there is any ownership change, including death, divorce or other situation.
  • a junking certificate is requested.
  • the item is gifted to another person.

A new owner has 30 days to present the properly assigned title to a county treasurer so that a title can be issued in the new owner’s name. Penalties are automatically assessed after 30 days.

Save time and mail the information to our office.

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Completing a Title Transfer

To ensure that there are no delays in processing your application, please read the instructions before proceeding.

Getting Started

Review the checklist of required documents and the application/title assignment guides to ensure that all application and title paperwork is completed properly before submission.

Title transfers can be completed by submitting the required forms using U.S. Postal Mail or placing items in the drop box.

If you are visiting our office to complete a title transfer, an appointment is required. You must also show a valid Iowa driver's license for identification purposes.

Learn more.

To ensure that there are no delays, be sure to collect the required information. For assistance call 515-286-3030.

Use the Iowa Department of Transportation Fee Estimator to estimate fees. Be sure to include postage fees as they are not included in the estimating tool. This tool is not mobile responsive.

Special circumstances, including transfers of titles upon the death of an owner, may require additional information. See the Iowa Department of Transportation website.

Title Transfer Application Checklist

Please note that the checklist and guides do not cover all circumstances, including transfers of titles upon the death of an owner. 

Commonly Used Vehicle Transfer Forms

All documents are to be completed in black or blue ball-point pen and either mailed or dropped in our drop box with all required supporting documents.

When completing online forms, it is necessary to download and save the form to your own computer. The saved form can be emailed to the appropriate organization as needed.

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Title Transfer Process


  • Vehicle title transfers can be completed in any Iowa county.
  • The new owner must present the properly-assigned title to a county treasurer within 30 days of the ownership transfer.
  • A title will be issued in the new owner’s name.
  • A penalty will automatically be applied if the title is not processed within 30 days of the change in ownership.

Provide complete and accurate information

A certificate of title is a legal document and cannot be altered in any way. When making a request for a title transfer, adhere to these requirements when completing the required forms.

  • use blue or black ink
  • print legibly
  • ensure that all amounts and numbers are accurate and match
  • do not make any corrections with white-out, tape or other materials
  • do not cross out any written information

Getting Started

Application and Title Assignment Guides

The following information outlines the minimum requirements to process most applications. Requirements may vary based on the situation.

Read the application thoroughly and complete all necessary fields.

Submit completed forms with payment or contact information to make payment

Required forms

  1. Mail all required documents to Polk County Treasurer’s Office, 111 Court Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50309.
    • Indicate if you would like to be contacted to make the payment by phone. Transaction fees will apply. OR
    • Use the Iowa Department of Transportation Fee Estimator to estimate fees and include payment, made by heck, cashier's check or money order. No cash or credit card payments are accepted when using U.S. Mail.
  2. Place all required documents in an envelope and place in the drop box located at the south entrance of the Polk County Administration Building, 111 Court Avenue.
    1. Indicate if you would like to be contacted to make the payment by phone. Transaction fees will apply. OR
    2. Use the Iowa Department of Transportation Fee Estimator to estimate fees and include payment, made by check, cashier's check or money order. No cash or credit card payments are accepted when using the drop box.
  3. If completing the process in person, an appointment is required.
    1. Payment can be made by credit or debit card, cash, check or money order.
    2. A valid driver's license is required for identification purposes.

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Transfer a Title

Select from the list below:

Motor Vehicle

  1. Complete Application for Certificate of Title and/or Registration form.
  2. Complete a bill of sale.
  3. Provide current title.
  4. Pay $35.00 one-time title fee.
  5. Pay annual registration fee base  on vehicle year, make and model.

Small Trailers

In Iowa, small trailers weighing 2,000 lbs. or less when empty only require a registration and do not require a title.

To register a small trailer, follow these steps.

When the small trailer/equipment is used

    1. Complete Application for Certificate of Title and/or Registration form.
    2. Complete a bill of sale.
    3. Provide prior owner’s registration signed over. (The purchase amount can be listed on the registration in place of the bill of sale.), OR
    4. Current title, if coming from a state that issues titles on small trailers.
    5. Pay $20.00 annual registration fee.

When the small trailer/equipment is new

    1. Complete Application for Certificate of Title and/or Registration
    2. Complete a bill of sale.
    3. May require manufacturer’s certificate of origin.
    4. Pay $20.00 annual registration fee.

Large Regular and Semi-Trailers

In Iowa, large regular and semi-trailers weighing over 2,000 lbs. when empty, require a title and registration.

To obtain a title for a large regular or semi-trailer, follow these steps.

When the large trailer/equipment is used

    1. Complete the Application for Certificate of Title and/or Registration, form 411077.
    2. Complete a bill of sale.
    3. Provide a properly assigned title.
    4. Pay $35.00 one-time title fee.
    5. Pay $30.00 annual registration fee.

When the large trailer/equipment is new

    1. Complete the Application for Certificate of Title and/or Registration, form 411077.
    2. Complete a bill of sale.
    3. Provide a manufacturer’s certificate of origin.
    4. Pay $35.00 one-time title fee.
    5. Pay $30.00 annual registration fee.

Homemade Trailers

Trailer weighs 2,000 lbs. or less.

    1. Complete and submit the Application for Certificate of Title and/or Registration, form 411007, to your county treasurer.
    2. Mail to Polk County Treasurer’s Office, 111 Court Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50309, OR
    3. Secure all required documents in an envelope and place in the drop box located at the south entrance of the Polk County Administration Building, 111 Court Avenue.

Trailer weighs more than 2,000 lbs.

    • Send an email to Iowa Department of Transportation Investigation Bureau, for instructions on how to obtain an Iowa-assigned vehicle identification number.

Towable Recreational Vehicles

Towable recreational vehicles, such as travel trailers, 5th wheel or teardrop trailers, are designed for vacation or recreational purposes. The annual registration fee for towable recreational vehicles is based on the model year and square footage.

To register a towable recreational vehicle, follow these steps.

When the equipment is used

    1. Complete the Application for Certificate of Title and/or Registration, form 411007.
    2. Provide a properly assigned title.

When the equipment is new

    1. Complete the Application for Certificate of Title and/or Registration, form 411007.
    2. Complete a bill of sale.
    3. Provide a manufacturer’s certificate of origin.

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Estimate Title and Registration Fees


Use the Iowa DOT Fee Estimator to determine the estimated title and registration fees due. Please note, this tool is NOT compatible with mobile devices.

  1. Go to the Iowa DOT Fee Estimator.
  2. On your computer, navigate to the top and left side of page and hover over “Tools.”
  3. Select “Dealer Inquiry.” A menu will appear on the left side of the page.
  4. Select “Fee Estimator.”
  5. Enter the appropriate information for the newly acquired vehicle.
    • Registration and title fees.
    • Security interest (loan) recording fees.
    • Use tax.
    • Credit from a vehicle that has been sold, traded or junked.
  6. Select “Calculate” to determine the estimated fees.
  7. Add postage fees as they are not included in the fee total.

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Office closed Feb. 17 in observance of Presidents Day. Regular hours are Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Third Thursday, 9 a.m - 4:30 p.m. For faster sevice, schedule an appointment.