
Lead Contractors Needed

Typical work:

  • Siding Installation
  • Window/Door Replacement
  • Painting
  • Drywall
  • Flooring

How to become lead certified:

We will reimburse up to 75% for Lead Contractor Class. Contact our office for more information at (515) 336-5409. 


PCHD has a grant to complete a minimum of 150 homes with lead repair. YOU can bid to repair these homes.

About the lead program:

Our Lead Hazard Home Repair program aims to reduce the number of homes in Polk County with lead-paint hazards.

We have a team that tests homes for lead. If lead hazards are detected, then we hire contractors to go in and remove lead hazards from the home.

We are in need of contractors to repair homes in Polk County.

Please contact us if you're interested in becoming lead-certified. Call (515) 336-5409. 

More Info About Lead-Certified Contractors:

Lead Abatement Contractors conduct lead abatement and supervise the work of others.  Lead abatement specifically includes, but is not limited to projects for which there is a written contract or other documentation, which provides that an individual will be conducting activities in or to a residential dwelling or child-occupied facility that shall result in or are designed to eliminate lead-based paint hazards.  

Contractors Qualification Packet