Title V Permits
The Operating Permits Section was established to deal with the issuance of permits to operate facilities pursuant to Title V of the Federal Clean Air Act.
Operation Permits are designed to ensure equipment continues to perform as designed, to protect ambient air quality. Iowa’s Operating Permit Program includes 2 types of operating permits: Title V and Small/Minor Source.
Current Title V Permits
Archer Daniels Midland- Des Moines Soybean 04-TV-020-R1
Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations 05-TV-008R2
CB & I Clive Plant 01-TV-011R3
Construction Products, Inc. 99-TV-006R4
Des Moines Metropolitan Wastewater Reclamation Authority 16-TV-007R1
Iowa EPS Products, Inc. 21-TV-004
John Deere Des Moines Works 04-TV-017R2
Magellan Pipeline Co., L.P.- Des Moines Terminal 98-TV-019R3
Metro Methane Recovery Facility 03-TV-005R3
Metro Park East Landfill 03-TV-033R3
MidAmerican Energy Co.- Pleasant Hill CTs/ GDMEC 97-TV-006R3
MidAmerican Energy Company- River Hills CTs 98-TV-015R4
MidAmerican Energy Company- Sycamore CTs 98-TV-014R4
Principal Life Insurance Company 02-TV-019R3
Quality Manufacturing Corporation 14-TV-013R1
Siculus, Inc. 18-TV-007R1
Siegwerk USA Co .- 129 SE 18th St. 03-TV-023R2
Siegwerk USA Co.- SW 56th St. 18-TV-001R1
Titan Tire Corporation 02-TV-013R3