General Assistance - Home
Making ends meet can be hard. Sometimes even a minor disruption can cause an emergency
Polk County General Assistance provides various categories of temporary and emergency assistance for qualifying low income applicants
The level of assistance available is not intended to fully resolve an emergency, but it does offer some relief
The process begins with completing a General Assistance application and submitting required documentation such as proof of income, proof of rent obligation, social security card and ID.
This is followed by an interview with General Assistance staff (phone or in person) to talk about your situation
Polk County General Assistance staff may approve your application immediately, but they may need you to obtain additional information before they can make a determination of eligibility
If your application is denied, staff will provide you with the reason for the denial and give you some suggestions on where else you may be able to receive assistance or how to work through the situation.
Applications can be accessed and submitted through this web-site, through e-mail or in person.
Click on the links below, or use the menu option, to see more information about categories of assistance
Other Assistance Categories - food, beds, cremation, clothing, personal supplies, stranded travelers
To apply for assistance, fill out an online application or a paper application and bring it to the General Assistance office. You can also apply by phone by calling (515) 286-2088 or by sending an e-mail to in most cases, an interview will take 15-20 minutes to complete.