Internal Policies
This policy prohibits harassment by Polk County employees and promotes a work environment where individuals are treated with dignity, decency and respect.
Automated Defibrillator Policy
This policy governs Polk County’s use of automated defibrillators (AED).
This policy meets the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) related to blood borne pathogen standards designed to eliminate or minimize employee occupational exposure to blood, other specific body fluids and/or other potentially infectious materials.
Boards and Commissions Appointment Policy
This policy governs the appointment of individuals by the Polk County Board of Supervisors to Polk County boards and commissions.
Charitable Solicitation Policy
It is the policy of Polk County that solicitation of Polk County employees at the workplace by qualified federations of charitable organizations will be allowed annually pursuant to the procedures set forth by the County in order that the goals of the County may be met. The County does not support or endorse any charitable organization or federation of organizations.
This policy governs employee and visitor use of smoking products on Polk County premises.
Commercial Drivers’ License Policy
This policy establishes a program, consistent with applicable federal and state law, designed to help prevent accidents and injuries to Polk County employees resulting from the misuse of alcohol or use of controlled substances by drivers of commercial vehicles.
This policy defines the parameters of Polk County’s Commuter Choice Plan, which provides for qualified parking and transit benefits.
Computer Procedures, Internet and Email Policy
This policy establishes guidelines and standards for the use of County-owned computing equipment, software, data, electronic mail and the Internet.
This policy provides for the use of corporate credit cards by Polk County employees on a limited, controlled basis.
County Treasurer Investment Policy
This policy provides the delegation and investment of County funds.
Disposal of Obsolete, Surplus Equipment or Miscellaneous Items Policy
This policy establishes Polk County General Services’ process for disposal of personal property owned by Polk County.
Disposal of Surplus Computer Equipment Policy
This policy allows donation of surplus, usable computer equipment to nonprofit agencies. This policy enables Polk County to recycle computer equipment no longer usable within County government providing a much needed service to those in need within Polk County.
This policy applies to any employee operating County owned vehicles and/or equipment or while driving personal vehicles for business of the County and prohibits employees from engaging in distracted driving as defined by the policy.
Donated Leave for Purpose of Organ Transplant Policy
This policy governs employee donated leave specifically for the purpose of an organ transplant.
This policy governs employee donated leave for purposes other than organ transplant.
The purpose of this policy to provide and maintain for Polk County employees a drug -free, healthful, safe and secure work environment, and to comply with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (Pub. L. 100-690 Title V, Subtitle D).
Emergencies Interrupting Work Hours Policy
This policy governs compensation for employees during emergencies or unforeseen events that interrupt work hours.
Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action/ADA Policy
This policy provides that, consistent with applicable federal and state law, Polk County shall not discriminate against or harass any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, genetic information, disability, or veteran or military status. Polk County shall take all actions necessary to ensure that the county's employment practices and other personnel actions are administered in an equitable and impartial manner.
Families First Coronavirus Response Act Policy
This policy, effective 4/1/20 through 12/31/20, provides for employee leave in accordance with the FFCRA.
Family and Medical Leave Act Policy
This policy provides leave for qualified Polk County employees in accordance with the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act.
Federal Deficit Reduction Act Compliance Policy
It is the policy of Polk County to be in compliance with the Federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 to correctly claim Federal funds for which Polk County is eligible; to prevent and detect errors and potentially fraudulent claims, and to protect whistleblowers from retaliation. This policy provides guidance and training to all staff about the False Claims Act including whistleblower provisions in the law; detecting and preventing waste, fraud, and abuse; protecting the rights of employees as whistleblowers; policies concerning false claims laws; and ensuring that all employees comply with all applicable sections of the False Claims Act.
Polk County Financial Policies
The purpose of Polk County‘s financial policies is to facilitate decision making by the Board of Supervisors, provide direction for staff and elected officials for handling the County‘s day to day financial business and to serve as a foundation for long and short range planning. The implementation of sound fiscal policies enables County officials to protect the public interest, ensure public trust and confidence and maintain the fiscal integrity of the County.
This policy provides employees with guidance regarding for monitoring and reporting incidents of unauthorized use, acquisition, access or disclosure of unsecured protected health information.
This policy provides notice to individuals of Polk County’s privacy practices.
This policy governs Polk County’s compliance with HIPAA regulation related to security of electronic protected health information.
Polk County, Iowa does not allow any Polk County entity or any official to prevent the sending or receiving of information about an individual’s citizenship or immigration status with any federal, state or local government entity and official where not otherwise prohibited by other Federal law.
This policy governs the distribution and use of keys that open doors and offices on Polk County premises.
This policy prohibits nepotism in Polk County employment.
Paid Parental Leave for Non-bargaining Employees Policy
This policy provides paid leave benefits to support and ease the burden on employees with growing families.
This policy governs certain types of pay adjustments, as detailed in the policy, for non-bargaining employees.
Personal Property Repair and Replacement Policy
This policy provides for repair/replacement of certain damaged employee personal property.
Physical Capacity Testing Program Policy
This policy provides for physical capacity testing for certain positions identified by Human Resources.
Procurement and Purchasing Policy
This policy applies to all Polk County departments and offices and governs the procurement of goods and services for Polk County.
This policy provides for a Polk County Records Management program maintained by the General Services Department.
This policy is designed to help reduce employee exposure to airborne disease hazards.
It is the purpose of this policy to promote a work environment free of sexual harassment and to sensitize employees to the issue of sexual harassment in accordance with applicable federal and state law.
It is the purpose of this policy to provide for uniform and consistent application of the provision of the AFSCME collective bargaining agreement regarding standby pay throughout the County‘s various departments.
Temporary Suitable Work Policy
It is the purpose of this policy to provide temporary suitable work or job assignment for qualified employees who are receiving temporary partial disability or temporary total disability benefits through Polk County's workers' compensation program.
Travel and Expense Reimbursement Policy
This policy provides for pay in reasonable amounts related to travel, meetings and expense reimbursement which are deemed to serve the public purpose of being necessary and/or beneficial to the operation of Polk County.
Tuberculosis Control Plan Policy
This policy provides for a Polk County Tuberculosis Control Plan in accordance with federal law.
This policy delineates circumstances under which an employee may qualify and be reimbursed for educational expenses.
Vacant Positions Due to Extended Medical Leaves Policy
This policy facilitates the continued provision of Polk County services when an employee is on extended medical leave.
This policy governs Polk County office closures for non-essential functions in the event of a weather emergency.
Workplace Violence Prevention Policy
Polk County is committed to preventing workplace violence and to maintaining a safe work environment. Polk County has adopted this policy to address intimidation, harassment, or other threats of (or actual) violence that may occur during business hours or on its premises.
Polk County desires to adopt a uniform policy regarding the protection of whistle blowers pursuant to 41 U.S.C. § 4712, Enhancement of Contractor Protection from Reprisal for Disclosure of Certain Information, for Federal contracts, grants, and funds awarded to Polk County.