Tax Rate and Valuation Information
The County Auditor receives property values from the County Assessor, applies State rollbacks, applies local taxing entity tax rates, then transmits levied property taxes to the County Treasurer for collection.
Below find several resources with regard to Property Taxes in Polk County and the State of Iowa.
Property Tax Rates
Consolidated Rates
Click State Consolidated Rates for current and historical consolidated tax rates statewide.
Click Current Polk Consolidated/Net TIF Rates for all current consolidated and net TIF rates by taxing district.
Current Polk County Levy Rates by Taxing Authority
FY2024/2025 Polk Co Consolidated Rates
FY2024/2025 Polk Co Authority Rates
Historical Polk County Levy Rates by Taxing Authority
FY2023/2024 Polk Co Consolidated Rates
FY2023/2024 Polk Co Authority Rates
FY2022/2023 Polk County Consolidated Rates
Taxing Authority Valuations
Click State Online System for a broad range of current and historical valuation reports.
Click State Excel Reports to view both current and historical static reports in an Excel format.
Public Access to Local Government Budgets
The Iowa Department of Management provides public access to all taxing authority budgets:
Popular Links
Iowa Department of Revenue
State Treasurer of Iowa