
Payment Options

Select Your Preferred Payment Option

Pay Online

Pay property tax or registration renewal fees online at IowaTaxAndTags/org.

It's easy, convenient and secure!

Receive email confirmation of your payment. Vehicle registrations are mailed out the next business day after payment is received.

For the fastest payment process, pay online.

Pay by Phone

Pay by e-check, credit card and debit card. To pay by e-check, please have the routing number and account number available.

Transaction fees will apply.

Call 515-286-3060 for property tax payments.

  • Please have parcel number or property address available.

Call 515-286-3030 for vehicle registration payments.

  • Please have license plate number available.

Pay by Mail/Drop Box

Transactions submitted by U.S. mail can only be paid by check, cashier's check or money order. No cash or credit card payments are accepted.

Make checks payable to: Mary L. Wells, Polk County Treasurer and mail to:

Polk County Treasurer
111 Court Ave, Room 154
Des Moines, IA 50309

Include a phone number in the memo line section.

Proof of the mailing date is based on the U.S. Postal Service postmark.

Payments made by drop box by midnight on the date of a deadline will be considered as received on time.

The drop box is located on the south side of the Polk County Administration Building, 111 Court Ave., Des Moines. Collection from the drop box is made once daily.

Office closed January 20. Regular hours are Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Third Thursday, 9 a.m - 4:30 p.m. For faster sevice, schedule an appointment.