
2024 Prescribed Burning Season

Published 3/27/2023 3:23:46 PM

Prescribed burn season is upon us!


Our Natural Resource Crews will be conducting late-summer prescribed burning in our parks and trails as weather allows from now through September 20.


Prescribed (RX) fires help restore health to ecosystems that depend on fire and rejuvenate prairies by removing leaf litter and invasive weeds allowing more plants to flower, produce seed, and grow taller. RX fires release nutrients into the soil from the ash that restores the ground, making the area that was burned “greener” and full of diverse plant life! These fires also help reduce the catastrophic damage of wildfire on our lands and surrounding communities by safely reducing excessive amounts of brush, shrubs, and trees [encouraging the new growth of native vegetation], and by maintaining the many plant and animal species whose habitats depend on periodic fire.