
COVID-19 Test Kits

The Polk County Health Department (1907 Carpenter Ave, Des Moines 50314) serves as a Test Iowa COVID-19 test kit pick up and drop off site.

Individuals can come to the Health Department Monday – Friday from 8:00 AM-5:00 PM and ask the front desk for a COVID-19 test kit.

Individuals also have the opportunity to drop off test kits at the Health Department, Monday – Friday from 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM. There is a drop box directly inside our office door where individuals can place their test kit for transportation to the State Hygienic Lab. Tests will be picked up promptly at 3:00 PM. If you are miss the deadline, your test will go out the next day.

Activate the test kit by providing your information and test kit ID. You will only receive your test result if your test kit has been activated. Click here to have access to videos about how to use the sample collection kit. Videos available in English, Spanish and French.

Do not eat, drink or smoke 30 minutes prior to using the Test Iowa COVID-19 kit.

Individuals can also drop off their test kit at your nearest UPS drop-off location using a prepaid UPS label included with the test kit. You may also drop off your test kit at the Ankeny State Hygienic Lab (2220 S. Ankeny Blvd., Ankeny, IA 50023).

Additional pick up and/or drop-off locations of Test Iowa COVID-19 home test kits can be found at


Individuals with No Symptoms

Residents who are NOT experiencing symptoms but need a COVID19 test because of exposure, travel arrangements, or other type of requirements (concert venue, employment, etc.) are encourage to avoid the use of health systems. This step will facilitate the labor of medical workers in testing and treating residents. Click here for list of testing resources. 

Individuals with Symptoms

If you are experiencing symptoms, please contact your medical provider and/or review this list of medical resources. Click here to access list.

Insurance reimbursement for at-home tests

If you have health insurance through an employer or Marketplace, your insurance will pay you back for 8 at-⁠home tests each month for each person on your plan. Click here for more information.