
National Safety Month: Promoting Health and Safety in June

Published 6/3/2024 9:00:56 AM

In recognition of National Safety Month, the Polk County Health Department (PCHD) is promoting ways to prevent injuries, reduce risks and stay safe throughout the month of June. National Safety Month is spearheaded by the National Safety Council (NSC) and is dedicated to raising awareness about critical safety issues.

Unintentional injuries are a leading cause of death in the United States. The month of June provides an opportunity for communities to come together and commit to a culture of safety. PCHD has a number of resources and services available to help keep individuals and families and safe.


PCHD focus areas for National Safety Month 2024

Talk It Up, Lock It Up: Prevent gun-related injuries

  • Gun injuries are a leading cause of death for youth in Polk County.
  • PCHD’s Talk It Up, Lock It Up campaign aims to normalize the conversation about gun safety and reduce access to guns by promoting safe storage practices.
  • Free gun locks are available at several locations throughout Polk County. More than 1,300 gun locks have been handed out since the campaign began last August!

Remove lead hazards from your home

  • Lead-based paint is the primary source of lead poisoning of children in Iowa. About 75,000 housing units in Polk County were built before 1978 when lead based paint was banned. Making homes lead safe can prevent exposure to brain damaging lead hazards.
  • The Polk County Lead Poisoning and Prevention Program provides free lead hazard removal for eligible homeowners.
  • Lead testing is available at PCHD for children five years old and younger on a walk-in basis. The hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM and 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM.

Be prepared for emergencies

Understand harm reduction

  • Harm reduction is a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use.
  • Harm reduction emphasizes engaging directly with people who use drugs to prevent overdose and infectious disease transmission.
  • PCHD and The Project of Primary Health Care offer harm reduction kits for free at several lockbox locations in Des Moines.

National Safety Month is a vital reminder of the importance of safety in our everyday lives. PCHD is proud to support this initiative and invites you to join us in making Polk County a safer place for everyone.

Follow PCHD on Facebook, Instagram, X, and LinkedIn for more information about our National Safety Month initiatives throughout the month of June. Together, we can build a safer, healthier community.