
Unhealthy Behaviors (Des Moines)

Click here to access Unhealthy Behaviors -Des Moines Map.

Map of city limits (Des Moines), zip codes limits, and indicators for unhealthy behaviors by census-tract level area in Des Moines. Data provided by the 500 Cities Project (*)

The map includes the following indicators:

  • Binge Drinking = Binge drinking among adults aged ≥ 18 years
  • Current Smoking = Current smoking among adults aged >=18 years
  • Physical Inactivity = No leisure-time physical activity among adults aged >=18 years
  • Obesity = Obesity among adults aged >=18 years
  • Sleep Less than 7hrs = Sleeping less than 7 hours among adults aged >=18 years

(*) The 500 Cities project is a collaboration between CDC, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the CDC Foundation. It provides city and census tract area estimates for chronic disease risk factors, health outcomes, and clinical preventive service use for the largest 500 cities in the US. In the State of Iowa, six cities were included in this project: Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Des Moines, Iowa City, Sioux City, and Waterloo.  For more information about these indicators, go to