

It can become a pirate ship, a castle, a battle ship, or even an impenetrable fort. It's a place to escape reality, forget your problems, or just a good place to blow a sunny afternoon. You can climb up them or on them. You can slide down them or crawl through them, but no matter how hard you try, you can't resist them!

Jester Park:
The playground is located near Shelter #3.

Thomas Mitchell Park:
The playground is located near Shelter #2.

Fort Des Moines Park: 
The playground is located near Shelter #2.

Easter Lake Park: 
Easter Lake has three playgrounds. An accessible playground  is located by Shelter #1. The second accessible playground is located by Shelter #5. The third playground is located at the beach on the north side of Easter Lake and is not ADA accessible at this time.

Yellow Banks Park:
Yellow Banks has two playgrounds. An accessible playground is located by the ball fields between Shelter #2 and Shelter #3.  A second playground is located at entrance of the park and is not accessible at this time.

Mally's Park:
Mally's Park offers a smaller playground located south of the parking lot.

Chichaqua Bottoms Greenbelt:
No playground facility is located at Chichaqua.