
Healthy Homes

Polk County Housing Services Division collaborates with numerous other agencies to assist households with resolving home repair and environmental issues within the home that trigger asthma related illnesses for children.

Staff from the Housing Services Division assist in this program with health care workers in identifying triggers within a home for asthma, hiring qualified contractors to complete the repairs and inspecting the work for quality control measures.

If you have a child who suffers from asthma related symptoms, please visit:  Healthy Homes Iowa or by calling 515-333-4549.


“Our pediatric population has several children with uncontrolled asthma. What we are finding is often these children are living in an environment surrounded with triggers, making their asthma very difficult to manage. Through the use of Healthy Home Des Moines we are able to improve the conditions in which these children live, such as replacing the flooring or fixing a leaky roof. It is through this program we are able to decrease their exposure to these triggers, therefore improving their health and making their asthma easier to manage.”

— Shelly Hutchings, RN, Pediatric Health Coach

Polk County Public Works will now be accepting permits online via OpenGov