Jr. Naturalist Program

The Iowa Junior Naturalist Program allows anyone, ages 6-18, to enjoy the outdoors with professional guidance and family participation. The Iowa Junior Naturalist program is offered by Polk County Conservation and other conservation agencies.
The goal of this program is to encourage children and their families to participate in environmental education programs which will increase their knowledge and enjoyment of Iowa’s natural and cultural resources.
Bring this Jr. Naturalist brochure to a public conservation event. Have the naturalist put their initials on the form.
Junior Naturalist Level 1
(6-12 years of age)
- Attend three public programs in Iowa. Examples include: wildflower hikes, night hikes, mammal programs, reptile programs, stargazing programs, etc.
- Complete two independent activities. Examples include: reading a nature book, going fishing, camping, hiking, etc.
Junior Naturalist Level 2
(13-18 years of age)
- Attend three public programs in Iowa. Examples include: wildflower hikes, night hikes, mammal programs, reptile programs, stargazing programs, etc.
- Complete two independent activties.
Examples include: reading a nature book, going fishing, camping, hiking, etc. One of the independent activities for Level 2 must be a one hour (or more) voluntary commitment toward a public conservation event.
Upon completion of the requirements, the participant will receive a certificate of achievement. The participant will also receive a colorful embroidered patch, which can be attached to a t-shirt or sash. The patch design will change each year, creating a collection series for Iowa Junior Naturalist participants.
All requirements must be completed within one calendar year!