Youthful Supervision Program
The Youthful Supervision Program (YSP) is a pre-trial felony diversion program for individuals charged with their first felony offense in District Court. Typically, incarceration will be recommended for those offenders who do not successfully complete the YSP. Individuals must be at least 16 years old and no older than 21 at the time of admittance into the YSP. The goal of the YSP is to divert the individual from prison or ineffective probation by providing intensive supervision and programming in the areas of life skills, education, victim impact, parenting, problem solving, individual counseling, substance abuse and job training. The entire program consists of four phases which can last 12-24 months.
Program Requirements and Expectations:
- The offender must waive speedy indictment and/or speedy trial prior to the YSP referral.
- The YSP will not screen or admit an individual with a pending sex offense.
- The YSP will not screen or admit individuals who are active gang members or those who associate with gang members.
- A referral to YSP requires the approval of the prosecuting attorney assigned to the case. If the charge(s) is a forcible felony, the prosecuting attorney is required to obtain the approval of a Bureau Chief or the County Attorney prior to the screening process.
- The YSP consists of four phases. Each phase requires completion of specific requirements regarding meeting with the assigned Probation Officer, GPS electronic monitoring, curfew, UA’s, individual programing (education, counseling, substance abuse, etc.), community service, employment, or victim restitution.
- All individuals in the YSP must provide a written confession which meets the elements of the crime(s) they are charged with and shall be required to provide a Judicial Admission in order to be admitted into the program. A Judicial Admission is a confession under oath to the Judge assigned to the YSP. The purpose of this requirement is to promote acceptance of responsibility and accountability from the YSP participant.
- Individuals who violate the YSP rules/expectations are given sanctions on an individualized basis which may include appearing in Court to explain their rules violations, earlier curfew, increased UA monitoring, house arrest, additional community service, jail time and/or removal from the program.
Upon successful completion of YSP, the individual shall enter a plea of guilty to the “target charge” identified in the Plea Agreement which, in most cases, is a non-felony. The County Attorney's Office will recommend the individual be placed on a formal probation for either one or two years and, in most cases, receive a deferred judgment. Typically, no deals will be made for an individual who is removed/revoked from the YSP, and prison will typically be recommended. Offenders who fail to complete the YSP will be prosecuted for the offense(s) they were initially charged with and for which they have provided written confessions and Judicial Admissions.