
Emergency Planning for Child Care Settings

As part of requirements in the Child Care and Development Block Grant reauthorization, Iowa developed a Statewide Child Care Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan. The plan is publicly available for you to access and review on the DHS website. 

Click HERE for a copy of the Iowa Statewide Child Care Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan.

The plan provides a framework for preparedness and recovery activities for child care regulatory and child care subsidy in the event of a significant emergency or disaster in Iowa. The plan provides a structure for the Department of Human Services (DHS), Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) and Healthy Child Care Iowa (HCCI) to work in a coordinated effort during disaster recovery and provides guidance to regulated child care providers, non-regulated child care providers with a Child Care Assistance Provider Agreement, parents and stakeholders about what they can expect from DHS, CCR&R and HCCI.

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