- Be Informed
- 911
- Agriculture and Farm Operations
- Air Travelers
- Biological Threats
- Blizzards
- Bomb Threats
- Bus Travelers
- Business Community
- Carbon Monoxide
- Chemical Threats
- Clean Air
- Coping with Emergencies
- Cyber Attacks
- Donations
- Evacuation
- Extreme Cold
- Extreme Heat
- Financial Institutions
- Fires
- Flood Insurance Program
- Flooding
- Flooding - Living Behind a Levee
- Forms of Communication
- General Aviation
- Hail
- High-Rise Buildings
- Hobby Shops
- Home Safety
- Hotels and Motels
- Household Chemicals
- In a Moving Car
- Influenza Pandemics
- Multi-Family Dwellings
- Nuclear Threats
- Power Outages
- Radiation Threats
- Retail Stores
- Shelter In Place
- Storage and Warehouse Facilities
- Suspicious Packages
- Terrorism
- Thunderstorms
- Tornados
- Utilities
- Warning Sirens
- Winter Driving
- Winter Weather
- Be Informed
- 911
- Agriculture and Farm Operations
- Air Travelers
- Biological Threats
- Blizzards
- Bomb Threats
- Bus Travelers
- Business Community
- Carbon Monoxide
- Chemical Threats
- Clean Air
- Coping with Emergencies
- Cyber Attacks
- Donations
- Evacuation
- Extreme Cold
- Extreme Heat
- Financial Institutions
- Fires
- Flood Insurance Program
- Flooding
- Flooding - Living Behind a Levee
- Forms of Communication
- General Aviation
- Hail
- High-Rise Buildings
- Hobby Shops
- Home Safety
- Hotels and Motels
- Household Chemicals
- In a Moving Car
- Influenza Pandemics
- Multi-Family Dwellings
- Nuclear Threats
- Power Outages
- Radiation Threats
- Retail Stores
- Shelter In Place
- Storage and Warehouse Facilities
- Suspicious Packages
- Terrorism
- Thunderstorms
- Tornados
- Utilities
- Warning Sirens
- Winter Driving
- Winter Weather
Retail Stores
You can help prevent and detect terrorism and other types of crime by watching out for suspicious activities at your retail store and reporting them to the proper authorities.
Be Alert
Be alert for activities that might indicate someone is gathering materials and supplies for criminal or terrorist activities. Suspicious behavior could include:
- Appears nervous
- Uses cash for large transactions
- Uses a credit card registered in someone else’s name
- Exhibits secretive and/or paranoid behavior
- Presents a questionable, fraudulent or recently issued driver’s license
- Resides in distant city/state
- Unusually large quantities of fertilizer purchased or stolen
- Unusually large quantities of propane, butane, camping fuel, chemicals, smokeless gunpowder,etc purchased or stolen
- Attempts to purchase bulk quantities of pre-paid cellular telephones with no interest in additional cellular network activation “minutes” usage cards.
None of the listed actions, in and of themselves, constitutes a criminal violation. However, when coupled the acts may indicate suspicious activity that warrants law enforcement scrutiny. If you observe people acting suspiciously, as described above, please contact local law enforcement immediately.